Marquette poll: Walker, Evers tied

Marquette University law school poll
Marquette University law school poll

MILWAUKEE, WI (WSAU)  Scott Walker and Tony Evers are tied in the final Marquette University Law School poll before Election Day. Each candidate had 47-percent support among likely voters. In a broader measure of registered voters, Walker led by 3-points.

Walker’s favorability rating was up slightly to 48-percent.

The same poll showed Senator Tammy Baldwin leading Leah Vukmir, 54-to-43-percent.

The results mirror the findings from two weeks ago, were Walker was ahead by 1-percentage point and Baldwin was leading by 10.

In other poll findings, incumbent Attorney General Brad Schimel leads challenger Josh Kaul, 47-to-45 percent, which is within the poll’s margin of error.

Participants ranked health care is the most important issue, followed by K-12 education and the economy.

The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3-points.
